$dir_handle = opendir($this->plugins_path); while (($file = readdir($dir_handle)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' AND $file != '..' AND is_dir($file)) { $config_file = $this->plugins_path . $file . '/config.php'; if (file_exists($config_file)) { $aws_plugin = false; require_once($config_file); if (is_array($aws_plugin) AND G_VERSION_BUILD >= $aws_plugin['requirements']) { if ($aws_plugin['contents']['model']) { $this->plugins_model[$aws_plugin['contents']['model']['class_name']] = $this->plugins_path . $file . '/' . $aws_plugin['contents']['model']['include']; } foreach ($aws_plugin['contents']['setups'] AS $key => $data) { if ($data['app'] AND $data['controller'] AND $data['include']) { $this->plugins_table[$data['app']][$data['controller']]['setup'][] = array( 'file' => $this->plugins_path . $file . '/' . $data['include'], ); } } foreach ($aws_plugin['contents']['actions'] AS $key => $data) { if ($data['app'] AND $data['controller'] AND $data['include']) { $this->plugins_table[$data['app']][$data['controller']][$data['action']][] = array( 'file' => $this->plugins_path . $file . '/' . $data['include'], 'template' => $data['template'] ); } } $this->plugins[$file] = $aws_plugin; } } } } closedir($dir_handle);其中is_dir永远为false; 需要改为以下的方式判断:
$dir_handle = opendir ( $this->plugins_path ); while ( ($file = readdir ( $dir_handle )) !== false ) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != '.svn') { $entry = $this->plugins_path . $file; if (is_dir ( $entry )) { $config_file = $entry . '/config.php'; if (file_exists ( $config_file )) { $aws_plugin = false; require_once ($config_file); if (is_array ( $aws_plugin ) and G_VERSION_BUILD >= $aws_plugin ['requirements']) { if ($aws_plugin ['contents'] ['model']) { $this->plugins_model [$aws_plugin ['contents'] ['model'] ['class_name']] = $entry . '/' . $aws_plugin ['contents'] ['model'] ['include']; } foreach ( $aws_plugin ['contents'] ['setups'] as $key => $data ) { if ($data ['app'] and $data ['controller'] and $data ['include']) { $this->plugins_table [$data ['app']] [$data ['controller']] ['setup'] [] = array ('file' => $entry . '/' . $data ['include'] ); } } foreach ( $aws_plugin ['contents'] ['actions'] as $key => $data ) { if ($data ['app'] and $data ['controller'] and $data ['include']) { $this->plugins_table [$data ['app']] [$data ['controller']] [$data ['action']] [] = array ('file' => $entry . '/' . $data ['include'], 'template' => $data ['template'] ); } } $this->plugins [$file] = $aws_plugin; } } } } } closedir ( $dir_handle );