<p>[ Log time: 1435555638.469 ] [ Expend time: 0.15747594833374 ] SELECT `item_id`, `type` FROM aws_topic_relation WHERE `topic_id` IN(12685) AND `type` = 'question'</p>
<p>[ Log time: 1435555638.6 ] [ Expend time: 0.024824142456055 ] SELECT `item_id`, `type` FROM aws_topic_relation WHERE `topic_id` IN(12685) AND `type` = 'article'</p>
<p>[ Log time: 1435555638.3101 ] [ Expend time: 1.4454081058502 ] SELECT question_id, best_answer FROM aws_question WHERE best_answer > 0 AND question_id IN (319551,319552,319553,319554,319555,319556,319557,319558,319559,319560,319561,319562,319563,319564,319565,319566,319567,319568,319569....(后面省略)刚找到了相关的PHP语句,管理员可以帮看看吗? models\topic.php
if (!$result = AWS_APP::cache()->get($cache_key)) { if ($topic_relation = $this->query_all("SELECT item_id FROM " . $this->get_table('topic_relation') . " WHERE topic_id IN (" . implode(',', explode(',', $topic_ids)) . ") AND `type` = 'question'")) { foreach ($topic_relation AS $key => $val) { $question_ids[$val['item_id']] = $val['item_id']; } unset($topic_relation); } else { return false; } if ($best_answers = $this->query_all("SELECT question_id, best_answer FROM " . $this->get_table('question') . " WHERE best_answer > 0 AND question_id IN (" . implode(',', $question_ids) . ") ORDER BY update_time DESC LIMIT " . $limit)) { unset($question_ids); foreach ($best_answers AS $key => $val) { $answer_ids[$val['best_answer']] = $val['best_answer']; $question_ids[$val['question_id']] = $val['question_id']; } } else { return false; }